New Moon in Scorpio is Precipitating the Change into Sagittarius Energy
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New Moon in Scorpio is Precipitating the Change into Sagittarius Energy
Even if this has been written primarily as an astrological forecast you will find value in the discussion of the New and Full Moon in general and other astrological constellations.
Other highlights of this week from Monday 16 to Sunday 22, November 2009 are the square between Venus and Mars and the Sun moving into Sagittarius. After a month of intense feelings and reactions to things that seem to be out of control in our live we will experience a little more lightness and change in our perception and mood. But not right away!
Moon Astrology
To follow the Moon waxing and waning throughout the different zodiac signs is an elegant way to be more aware of your own constant change in the emotional landscape and how your emotional outlook is coloring the perception of events and
circumstances. The Moon is the fastest moving planet we observe in astrology and is known for her fickle nature. Every 2 ½ days there is a variation in the way we subtly feel and react from that gut level instinct. The Moon is representing our emotional filter and the way we perceive life. The position of the Moon in your personal chart is one of the most important points of an astrological reading.
She represents the inner woman we need to find expression for in our life as a woman or hints at what outer manifestation she will take for a man in his attraction to the feminine.
The New Moon and Full Moon
The New Moon and Full Moon are very special culminations points of power in the dance between the male and female, because they involve the conjunction of Sun and Moon in the New Moon and the opposition of both in the Full
Even if the Moon is not a planet in the strict definition, she always seemed to hold our imagination in her constant change and fluidity. Her reliable motion over the night sky was one way of perceiving time in its unfolding since ancient times. The connection between the tides of the ocean and the successful planting and harvesting cycles of the crops were obvious to our ancestors from long ago and paid attention to. Also the inner connection with our emotional constitution is an empiric fact as it would show up in sleepless nights around the Full Moon, more violence and civil disturbances calls for the police then usual, more accidents and drunk driving.
The New Moon
The New Moon is of more subtle nature. When this Moon touches the Sun she doesn’t reflect any light. The New Moon is invisible to our eyes. The light of
consciousness is gone for a short period of time and with it the self perception and self awareness. This moment signifies a clean slate, a new beginning into the next round of the Moon circling the Sun, the center of our universe representing the highest consciousness and life giving force for all the inhabitants of our earth.
The magic of the New Moon is the promise of redemption and a new start. For me it is the time of the month I use for some inner contemplation of where I am and where I want to go with my life. It is a great time to decide on what is really important for me and where I want to put more attention towards. The goals I set for myself can grow towards manifestation and ripen with the Moon growing into its full glory.
This Month New Moon is in Scorpio on Monday
Sun and Moon are in Scorpio, in the most intensely
felt sign of the zodiac with its deep undercurrents of passion, determination and will power. Scorpio energy is driven by instinctual desires, deep unconscious motivations for control, domination and power. Scorpios are complex, charismatic and interesting people. They usually excel at where they choose to point their energy and you will always feel alive and kept on your toes around them. They will never be boring, but always a little mysterious and maybe feel just a little out of reach.
You can use this universal stage to your advantage to plot a new course for your life and getting a head start with it in the coming month. Sit down with a cup of tea or coffee and your journal and contemplate.
Venus is Squaring Mars on Thursday
Venus, the goddess of love, harmony and beauty is fighting with her lover Mars over their very different
point of views. Venus is in Scorpio and wants deep commitment and honesty. Mars is in playful Leo and likes to play, seduce and tempt the goddess. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus and they are often very different if their perspectives, needs and desires. I always thought that book from John Gray was genius in playing on the deep archetypes we all have in us.
We all will have time this month with this conjunction to discover deeper layers in our relationships of all kinds. Man or woman, we will not feel so agreeable and compromising with our loved ones right now and we will feel more in touch with what is truly important and needed for us. There is more inner strength and daring to stand up for our needs and express our desires and make changes in our relationships.
If you have looked away from areas and subjects which are not right and
satisfying in your intimate relationship, now is the time to look at it or it will blow up into your face. Ask yourself what it is you might have put under the rug? Maybe you want more commitment in your relationship? Maybe you need more autonomy? Whatever it is now is a good time to be honest and daring to go for your inner vision and dreams. If you don’t communicate clearly your desires and needs, you can bet on the outcome of not getting it.
As always your own level of consciousness and honesty with yourself and your partner is the key to success. I don’t know about you, but I often catch myself groaning over a couple in a movie or book getting themselves in the most complicated entanglements just because they don’t speak up and communicate honestly. If they just would speak up they would have a better chance in working things out.
So this is
your time! Use it wisely my friend! Give yourself that chance of honest communication and the intimacy and deepening connection which can come out of it.
Sun in Sagittarius on Sunday 21
With the transition of the Sun into the next sign of Sagittarius we will move into a more extroverted and expanding flow of energy with many ideas and inspirations.
Sagittarius: The Adventurer Searching for Deeper Meaning in Life
Nov 21–Dec 21
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Gender: Masculine
It’s hard not to like Sagittarians, for their openness, generosity, and sociable nature. They are deep thinkers in search of universal wisdom, attracting them to philosophy and religion. Their minds can grasp both the details and the bigger picture: they can think with intellectual precision but also
intuitively. That unusual combination of thinking skills allows them to be at the forefront of creative ideas. They are idealistic and care about the state of the world, leading them to take up vocations in medicine, education, religion, and politics. They need to be highly independent in their work and in their personal lives.
Sagittarius role, after the introspection of Scorpio is to take the hard won wisdom and create something worthwhile from it and spread it around.
The Birthstone of Sagittarius is the Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is one of the birthstones of this global thinker. Lapis is a stone for the third eye and deepens the connection to your own inner wisdom, intuition and truth. It is an opaque blue stone with the magical power of the earth to help manifest those creative impulses and insights into something tangible.
Lapis was one of the sacred stones used in abundance in Egyptian jewelry in combination with gold and coral.
Lapis Lazuli is the bringer of the new dawn with Jupiter foresight and humanitarian vision. If used in meditation it is a stone to quiet the mind and bring a state of peace and overview from a higher perspective. If your mind is over stimulated and exhausted, Lapis can bring you back to balance and focus.
It is not a very expensive stone and is made into necklaces or bigger pieces for jewelry purposes. I especially like the deep, dark blue version with golden pyrite sprinkles creating very unique patterns mined only in Afghanistan. The lighter blue, grayish variety is found in Chile.
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