New Moon movie questions?

Question by Annabelle Marie: New Moon movie questions?
K, I have tons of questions about the New Moon movie.
1) When is it coming out?
2) Is Vanessa going to play Leah?
3) Is Dakota playing Jane?
4) Who the heck is playing Alec?
5) What’s all this nonsense about Edward NOT leaving? That’s the entire point to not only New Moon, but it also plays a HUGE part in Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Seriously? What the heck?
6) Will they be making Eclipse into a movie?
7) Will Taylor Lautner still play Jacob?

If you can answer any of these questions I will greatly apreciate it. Please and thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by jl.wilkie
2) no she will not (thank god)
7) yes. hes been working out hard core for the past 9 months to fit the part. btw i cant wait till the part where he cuts of all that disgusting hair! lol

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