Organization Tips to Make Your Day Less Stressful
Organization Tips to Make Your Day Less Stressful
Staying organized is the best ways to make you day less stressful. However, for millions of people, organization is a challenge. You do not have to be uptight and scheduled in every aspect of your life to be organized. With a little planning, even the most disorganized family can implement simple tips to make their days go more smoothly. Here are some great tips you can use to get organized:
Tip #1: Create a chore chart.
It does not matter if you have a large or small family; if everyone is not pulling his or her own weight, you can become disorganized rather quickly. So, create a chore chart that lists all of your daily and weekly activities. Adults and children alike should have certain responsibilities.
Tip #2: Use colored bins in your laundry room.
Keep a laundry basket in every bedroom
as well as in the bathroom. Every few days, have someone’s chore (see tip #1) be to collect the laundry and put it in the correct bin in the laundry room. You should have four bins – white, dark colors, bright colors, and delicates. Make sure that the laundry for each bin is done as soon as you have enough for a load. Depending on the size of your family, that might be once a day or it might be once a week.
Tip #3: Keep a notepad with you at all times.
You never know when you might think of something you need to do or buy. Have a notepad with you. That way, you will always be prepared to jot down numbers, write your grocery needs, or make a note of something else you need to remember. You should keep a notepad in your car, in your bag, on the refrigerator, and by the phone.
Tip #4: Organize you groceries as you bring them
Before you put your food away, wash and cut produce. That way, it will be ready to go when you want a snack or are going to start dinner. You should also have a place for every type of food, rather than just throwing everything in cupboards. Cycle the food, moving the older things to the front, as you put away your purchases.
Tip #5: Keep things in alphabetical order.
Movies, books, video games, and anything else you store on shelves should be put into alphabetical order. It does not take long to do, even if you have large collections, and that way, you will always be able to quickly find whatever you need.
Tip #6: Hang your clothes according to color.
You might want to keep all of your short-sleeved shirts separate from your long-sleeved shirts, but dividing by color is also a
good idea. That way, when you are wearing your gray dress pants, you will be able to quickly find something that matches.
Tip #7: Cook large meals on weekends and freeze the leftovers.
Instead of cooking just a single meal on your days off from work, take time to prepare two or three dishes while you are already in the kitchen. Allow the food to cool and then store it in the refrigerator or freezer until you are ready to serve it later in the week. That way, you do not have to spend hours in the kitchen every day after work.
Tip #8: Label your boxes.
When you store things, make sure that you clearly label each box on the top and all sides. That way, no matter where it gets stacked or moved, you can quickly see what is in the box. Try to keep like items together in your attic. You will thank yourself when
you are trying to find an old baseball cap you want and know that it is store in the box marked “hats.”
Tip #9: Don’t be afraid to throw things away.
The most organized houses are the ones that are not cluttered. Although it is perfectly normal to have mementos and items that make you happy, you should get rid of the items that you do not use anymore. This will help you stay organized. Have a yard sale, give away items to the Salvation Army or another charity, you can also ask your friends and family if they would like the things you no longer need.
Tip #10: Stick to your schedule.
Being impromptu and spontaneous can be a ton of fun, but it is not always necessary. In fact, most of the time when we deviate from our schedules, it is just a matter of being lazy! Try not to get a late start on what you
need to do – if you planned to go to the post office on Monday; do not put it off until Wednesday! Staying organized is not difficult, and the more organized you are with your schedule; the easier it is to take impromptu opportunities as they arise.
About Author:
Brian Jenkins is a freelance writer who writes about topics and products concerning personal organization such as the Buxton Bag
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