Power Rangers Super Samurai: The Super Powered Black Box Vol. 1
Join the Samurai Rangers when their ongoing conflict with Master Xandred reaches epic proportions as he sends more dangerous Nighlok monsters to finish the Samurai once and for all. It’s up to Mentor Ji and Gold Ranger Antonio to uncover the secrets of a legendary black box that will morph the Rangers into SUPER SAMURAI! By combining their extraordinary power symbols and Megazords to create new and incredible combinations, the Samurai become better and stronger. But will that be enough when a new villain surfaces, determined to defeat the Rangers once and for all?
Grill and Barbecue Pit Masters remove the membrane from their pork loin ribs, Baby Back, and Spare ribs so that their dry rub and sauce will permeate the meat, and produce a real tender rib. It’s easy to do! Watch one of the BBQ Pit Boys show you the tips and tricks on how it’s done.
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