Profited Guide, When You’re New To The Online Selling
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graphics for your sales pages and products.
There are several different places that you can pick up your own merchant account. PayPal being my top choice due to the fact that it’s free. Plus, this is the payment system that TradeBit uses although they are working on adding other systems at the time of this writing. Now, for those that cannot get a PayPal account because of restrictions, you can always get a free merchant account from StormPay. It’s basically the same system setup as PayPal. But, you can sign up for a free merchant account on a new system called PayDotCom. They offer PayPal and StormPay integration among others within their system, so it’s a good choice. Again, opening a merchant account with PayDotCom is free.
If you have the money and can afford it, there are other merchant account systems out there too. ClickBank being the first on my list. It
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