Profited Guide, When You’re New To The Online Selling
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are comfortable with that and have found a shared hosting plan that fits your specific needs with a good price, then go for it. But be sure to check their terms of service before you finalize your choice and pay.
Before you set up with a specific web host, you need a domain name. That is an easy enough task. Where you purchase your domain name is just as important as where you purchase your web space hosting. A good company to go with for domain name purchasing is GoDaddy. They’ve been around for a while and they have top notch customer service. Plus, their prices are affordable.
It doesn’t matter where you buy your domain name, just that you buy one.
Now, if you’re just beginning and don’t really have the funds to purchase a domain name and website space, there is another way to begin if you are wishing to sell information products that can be
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