Q&A: Bone books by Jeff Smith made into a movie?
Question by : Bone books by Jeff Smith made into a movie?
I recently heard that Warner Bros are going to begin making the Bone movie, based on the graphic novel series by Jeff Smith. I don’t know whether to be thrilled or outraged. I mean, I love the idea of Bone on the big screen, but there is a good chance that it’ll totally botch the books.
I have three questions for you.
1) What are your thoughts on this movie: do you think it’ll ruin the series, or it’ll be a great production?
2) Do you think it should be CGI, 2D, or live-action? (Personally, I think it should be 2D because the books are drawn that way.)
3) Lastly–and I’ve been thinking about this for a while now–if the film were live-action, which actress do you think should play Thorn Harvestar?
Thanks for your opinion!
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itty bitty committe
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