Q&A: BUY or SELL : Ghostface is a better story teller now than ever…?

sell a script
by Torley

Question by BeAsT Of ThE EasT: BUY or SELL : Ghostface is a better story teller now than ever…?
Alex stolen script (More Fish)
Yolanda’s House (Big Doe Rehab)

BQ : Ghost’s best story ???

BQ2: Your Favorite Masta Killa song?
wow yeah i didnt even mention Gihad…that verse it crazy

my girl was in the car w/ me like…..WTF is this!!! LOL

Best answer:

Answer by NYi-Tekken…The Return of King!
Guest House and his Verse on Jihad were freakin’ Hilarious….2 of my favorites….

Actually…i’m going to buy this. I also think he’s a more competent emcee…

BQ2: hmmm its either D.T.D or Secret Rivals….

EDIT: Lol…i let my cousin who never listened to a Ghostface verse in her life hear that about 2 weeks ago….she has about 8 songs now on her ipod…

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