Q&A: Can someone give me some advice on how to sell my script?
Question by Jay: Can someone give me some advice on how to sell my script?
Ok watch I want serious answers not answers like oh you need to get an agent or send the script of to companys because quite honestly I know you need to send your script to an agent but its not that simple. Alot of agents wont accept unsolicatated material so whats the best way to get your script seen? Do I send a query letter? Somebody please help me out.
Best answer:
Answer by Michael F
1. Join the screenwriter’s guild
2. Hire an agent
3. have agent make the contacts to sell your script
also – you can try revising it for a stage play. if you can get it done as on off-broadway deal – you might be able to get interest.
another idea – pull together the funding and shoot the script yourself with some unknown and semi known actors. Try submitting that to every kind of film event (ie Sundance, tribeca, etc) and of course – do this all through your agent.
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