Q&A: Can you be sued for using someone else’s scripts or codes?
Question by Jenny: Can you be sued for using someone else’s scripts or codes?
More precisely, if you get commissioned for money to make a web-layout and you use someone else’s website coding to make it, is it considered illegal?
Codes and scripts including flash actionscript, javascript, html, css, etc. etc.
A debate my friend and I are having. She’s using someone’s Flash game actionscript to make the game. She says it’s fine because its her own graphics and the script was probably not made by that person anyways :<~ D: Best unbias question wins! D: How do you know if a code's copyrighted? :<~ The code we're specifically arguing about is Flash Actionscript codes. She uses a decompiler and opens up to view the codes to see what makes what work, and uses them for her game later on if she understands. D: If using them is illegal though, how come there are legal programs that let you open up and view codes? :0 Just wondering :<~ Best answer:
Answer by Lala
I think you might be able to, but i can’t tell you for sure……
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!