Q&A: crosley stove question?????
Question by paulina h: crosley stove question?????
ok we have a gas crosley stove(not sure on model) but last night our power went out so today i went to go change the time. Well i kept trying to and the time wouldnt movie so i kept trying different combinations to try to get the time to move. well i dont know what happened but not it is stuck and the digital screen say S ab and we tried to unplugged it and what not but it wont come off and none of the button work. not even making a noise anymore…any help we are in process off looking for the manual.
Best answer:
Answer by Corky R
This is just one of the wonderful DISADVANTAGES of the new electronic age. When your power went off and then came back on, it frequently causes a surge of electricity that comes into the home and selects one or two or three delicate electronic systems that are currently plugged into the wall sockets and burns out one little resistor or transistor or some sister or other, which then throws everything into a giant funk, usually, never to work properly again. You’ll probably need to get a service tech out to check it out, but odds are you’re going to need a new control panel board, which can get very expensive.
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