Q&A: Do you think I could make a 3d movie with autodesk 3d MAX,HOW?

Question by kateowner: Do you think I could make a 3d movie with autodesk 3d MAX,HOW?
How can I start?
I know it is a little Embarrassing.. to start like this idea now…but
help me please!
I want to make a 3d movie, and I’m wondering whether I can get free lessons to learn how to start my project??
which program I have to choose (blender,3d Max,Maya..)
Which do you recommend?
Is autodesk 3D MAX good?
or there is another idea I don’t know!

Best answer:

Answer by Minifig
I would highly recommend blender!
It is free(that’s always a plus), has amazing quality, and has a huge forum full of helpful users!

Also, take a look at a film made in blender called “Big Buck Bunny”.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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