Q&A: FILM EXPERTS!! What is the filming techniques that instantly makes it appear you’re watching amateur footage??
Question by Quietly on the Stairs: FILM EXPERTS!! What is the filming techniques that instantly makes it appear you’re watching amateur footage??
In movies or tv shows they often show “home” footage eg. someones family birthday video etc.
What is it about the way something is filmed where they intend for it to look like a “home made” video. I’m aware that shaking the camera and having natural light or even a “recording” symbol are used. But there seems to be something more that makes these scenes look different to the normal film.
Thankyou so much for all of these, they’re really helpful!
I was also wondering if anyone knows what it is that your eyes instantly recognise when you see this “home style” scenes??
Best answer:
Answer by ksdfdfdf
the camera is shaking.
they don’t use a tri-pod
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