Q&A: HELP ME with this creepy movie from my childhood?
Question by : HELP ME with this creepy movie from my childhood?
I saw a piece of this movie when I was young, and I never could figure out the name of it…
There was a guy walking into a building with these two goons. It was dark outside, possibly raining. The building was an apartment if I’m not mistaken. These two goons are leading this guy to a room…
and as they are walking, the guy is trying to crack jokes to the goons, he is very nervous and is trying to lighten the situation. They don’t even look at him, just keep leading him.
Once they get to this room, there is a man waiting. I am unclear about what happens now, but before you know it, the nervous guy is strapped to a table, and his eyes are taped open.
There is a guy preparing to do something to his eyes, and he has various tools. The place is dark, a part from a bright light that is shining on the nervous guy’s face.
The guy starts making jokes again, and repeating something, can’t remember what. Then he starts screaming I think….. as the guy with the tools advances on him..
My dad made me stop watching then, and I have been wondering for about 6 years what happened. Sound familar?
Best answer:
Answer by bowen
“The Conspiracy Theory” has that scene
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