Q&A: hey i need some help for a video production project.?
Question by connor b: hey i need some help for a video production project.?
i need names for some characters, have any ideas? heres the script (ignore the names connor, alexa, and jeff, they are actors. .
In late 2005 a company in the outer rim invented a product so amazing and perfect that the mere act of thinking about it could knock a grown man into a coma. Luckily consumers don’t generally think about what they are buying, however salespeople do. So if the salespeople begin to think about it they go into a coma. Therefore nothing gets sold and the company goes under, get it? Knowing that the product will never be able to sell the company turns to the only race of sentient beings in the known galaxy that is mindless enough to sell and not think, humans. So the company sends a special agent [Alexa] to drop a chemical in earth’s oceans that will turn all humans into mindless selling machines [zombies].
Meanwhile the good guys [we will come up with a name later] send a special agent of their own [Jeff] to stop [Alexa] from wreckin
Best answer:
Answer by ricknightcrawler
Craig, Megan, Wilson, Ian, Samantha
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