Q&A: How can i split my website up based on location?
Question by Yessirr: How can i split my website up based on location?
I am thinking of starting a online auction site, but i wanted to know if or how i could break it down by area, kind of like craigslist. I’m not being too specific with my idea for obvious reasons, but how would i go about having the same auction script for each area but have different items listed? For example, abc.com would be the main site, then you would click your location and it will bring you to abc.com/yourlocation. I want the the same script on abc.com/yourlocation2 , but just different items to be sold there.
I have a friend that is going to help me out so he probably knows already, i just wanted to know generally how i could do it. Thank you very much for your time!
How is it based on the IP address of the user? … If i was on craigslist i could search for products in Florida, NY, SC…. I think all i have to do is put links on the main page to the different cities, and then when i design each site or post a new item at each location i got to do it through that exact link. Confusing i know, i probably got myself confused, but i think i’m starting to get it. I have never developed a web page so thats probably why it sounds like im a noob at this.
Best answer:
Answer by Colanth
It’s based on the IP address of the user.
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