Q&A: how do u make a home movie cheap?
Question by turtlesarecool: how do u make a home movie cheap?
ok so i have this script for a great movie called the devils child’s begining. and i want to make it into a movie, i have the script part done and i have all my friends including me as actors. were memorizing our lines and were good at it but how do u do the technical stuff? please help!
Best answer:
Answer by Bekx08
Well you’ll need some kind of editing system. Some computers come with it like for Macs there’s imovie. But these are very basic, cutting, transitions, small sound effects. If you want something more professional you’ll have to buy a program, like final cut, but it can be very confusing if you don’t know what your doing. Other than that you’ll need a digital camcorder and cable to connect it to your computer. There’s the two main things you’ll need, hope i helped.
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