Q&A: How do you ask your doctor to increase dosage on a medication?

Question by monkeystoneart: How do you ask your doctor to increase dosage on a medication?
I am weary about asking my Doctor about increasing my dosage of Adderall because it is such an addicting medication. I am currently prescribed to 15mg 2x daily not XR. I can’t take only 15mg at a time because the dose doesn’t control my ADHD. I take them both at the same time and I have been noticing alot lately that 30 mg is barely working either. I have been on the script for 2 years and I was taking 30mg XR up until 2 months ago, then my insurance wouldn’t pay for it. I end up taking 30-45 mg each day and my script isn’t lasting the full 30 days that is suppose to. So How should I ask my doctor for more without her thinking that I am addicted or abusing the drug or selling it? And I don’t want her to revoke the script all together! is it possible to build a tolerance to adderall?

Best answer:

Answer by NYkool
Tell the Doctor that adderall is not working as well as aderall XR which means timed release so the dose is steady all day. Tell her that without insurance paying you have highs and lows and that you need a letter to insurance trying to get proper approval for XR. If not then Dr must call your insurance and make it clear to them that proper medication will be provided. Insurance administrators cannot decide what drug you need – only a doctor can do that. Call your congressman if necessary.

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