Q&A: How do you lower your gun in halo 3?
Question by no name: How do you lower your gun in halo 3?
Is there an easier way to lower your gun rather than the
LB + RB + Left Stick + A + Down
And is there a way to completely drop your gun
And is there any other tricks that may help to make a machinima movie
Best answer:
Answer by Cinn {Vicious}
um.. i’ve been playing halo since.. it came out… and i’ve never heard or lowering your gun all the way. and on halo 3 it autmatically records the game, and i think you have to either watch it automatically, or you ahve like a few hours or soemthing. i know i see my husband watching htem all the time. so good luck.. my gamertag’s Cinn Vicious. Well play
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