Q&A: how good is 2350 in SATs?
Question by teij: how good is 2350 in SATs?
hey i got 2350 in sats and umm we dont have a gpa system in india….i got 94% marks in my seconday school all india exams….ive got articls published in The Times of India and stuff, and am trying to make movies, ive participated in a lot of extracurricular activities but am doing a demanding course now in 11-12th grade which is about univ 1st year for science…..
a)Can i get scholarship?
b)Wht do i need to do to get into MIT or Caltech
Best answer:
Answer by Barbara S
I am unsure what the total score means, from everything I read they separate the tests into section scores rather than an overall score.
MIT: For students we admitted in 2007, the middle 50% score range was between 670-770 for the SAT Reasoning Test Critical Reading and 720-800 for SAT Reasoning Test Math. We do not have cutoff scores for the SAT Reasoning Test and SAT Subject Tests, as scores are evaluated within an applicant’s context.
Caltech: Does not give numbers, just gives SAT tests required – SAT: Critical Reading, Math, and Writing
A good site for you to go through is www.collegeboard.com. It has info on sending your SAT scores to colleges, scholarships, and what different colleges require.
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