Q&A: How would I make a book trailer?
Question by : How would I make a book trailer?
It’s like making a movie trailer, I guess, but for a book I’m writing. How would I go about making one & what program would be the best to use since I’m a first time trier?
Best answer:
Answer by Wallflower
Well, I just look for pictures(Or scenes from other movies) that fit the story the best. Like a place, the time of day, a crime-scene, an eye color etc and have them in a slideshow with the description of the book showing up in pieces throughout it. It would have to be a bit vague and really pull a person in. Can’t be extremely wordy, and the pictures have to fit really well otherwise it will be hard to kind of pinpoint that theme, that feeling of the story.
But then again, I’m no professional :). That’s just my advice.
I always use Windows Movie Maker 2.6, I’m pretty sure you can download it somewhere.
My favorite part though is choosing the song for it. Book trailers help to stay motivated on writing it 🙂
Also, when using pictures and video clips, you might want to avoid using something from an already well known film or show. If you going to present this trailer to others it would be quite a distraction from your story if anyone recognizes them.
*Edit, again*
Another thing, I’m not sure if anyone else has this problem but with Windows Movie Maker you should save very, very often. It crashed on me very frequently. And when adding photos to the Movie Maker program, the original file can’t be moved from its folder until you’re finished with the project otherwise it will become unavailable in the program. But then again you can always just go add the photo again after you’ve moved it.
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