Q&A: Husband’s conversations are boring, or Movie Quotes?
Question by Fearless: Husband’s conversations are boring, or Movie Quotes?
My husband is very cerebral, introverted and seems to prefer being alone, but can also be loudly opinionated (lawyer). He reads news online, watches television/movies and listens to classical music (obsessively). When we have a conversation he might ask me something then sit there, act like he isn’t listening, and not say anything. He will complain about the state of things (but never do anything about them), or try to be witty and make horrible jokes that are not even funny. He graduated from Oxford University but he cannot hold up his end of a conversation. He doesn’t even try to have an interesting conversation – he just repeats what he reads and hears. He has no hobbies and just goes to a boring job and then home. He has nothing interesting to talk about because he does nothing in his life. I am worried because I am getting very bored with him, and don’t know what to do about it. I have lots of interests (that my husband isn’t interested in) and I have a very interesting job. I have no extra time right now to take on a new hobby with him.
Another problem is that he uses a movie quote or title in every conversation we have and it is driving me crazy!!! He didnt used to be this bad. I will say “I love the smell of rain in the morning” and he will repeat with “I love the smell of napalm in the morning” (even though I have asked him to stop saying this). If I say something like “at least we have a few good days of nice weather this week” he will say “A Few Good Men”! Today I was trying to talk to him about the bad storm we had and the flooding at our house and his response was “A Perfect Storm!”.
I am trying to have an intelligent conversation and he responds with a movie quote. I feel it is insulting to me, and that he is immature to do this. He is 56 years old.
Please help….
Best answer:
Answer by Tito O
sorry, i am not gonna read all that. go to marriage conseling
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