Q&A: i have to do a schol project in which my goup memebers and myself must make a short movie about our topic?
Question by tevencemos: i have to do a schol project in which my goup memebers and myself must make a short movie about our topic?
Were running short on creative ideas about a movie version of our topic, British imperialism in the Middle East, namely about Palestine, and the conflict between Israeli and Palestinian groups. but we wouldnt want to limit ourselves to just that if you have any ieas about an interesting short movie on iraq or egypt or even an idea involving the whole region your thoughts would be gladly appreciated!
Best answer:
Answer by TK
Yeah, do it in Benny Hill style. Show the conflict, the culture, all that. You won’t need audio, just some music, video, cue cards spelling out what’s happening, and a Benny Hill pervert chasing women who are trying to keep modest. I’m busting a gut just thinking about it. If you do well, let me know your grade.
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