Q&A: I need help buying an external DVD burner and software?
Question by Renee H: I need help buying an external DVD burner and software?
We recently bought a computer about 6 months ago and it cam with a light Scribe DVD Super Multi Drive/CD-Writer. But ive riped and burned several music cds and audio books and maybe 50% of them have a spot that kinda glitches and you cant hear the AUDIO for a few seconds. I want to buy an External DVD burner to hook up to my computer so i can start doing movies. i just don’t trust my burner to do movies if it cant even do audio correctly. i live in a small town and Wal-mart carries HP burners but i don’t know which one is best they rang from $ 50-$ 100 i assume the more i pay the better it will be. all i want is a burner that will do the job right and not eat up all the discs i put in it. I am also at a loss of what softwares i need to get. they are all online downloads right? and i think i need the burning software and another one that allows you to rip the movie and make it a smaller file so it will fit on 1 dvd. any help on any of this would be great thanks. =)
Best answer:
Answer by cantfindid70
go to newegg.com and look there. I believe you will need SATA if you have a desktop. They all have reviews. That’s where I got mine and it work great.
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