Q&A: Idea for a Sims-like game?
Question by The Brahma Bull: Idea for a Sims-like game?
Think about this. A lot of people like Harry Potter, so, instead of making games on the movies, create a Sims type “live-your-life” Harry Potter game! Create a student, your traits are used to decide your class, and you live all seven years of a Hogwarts student, the whole works including finals, quidditch, Hogsmeade. If you are good enough be voted prefect or House Boy/Girl. It would include the basics of Sims Interaction (Friendly, Romance, Mean) but add a wizard twist (under Mean you have the option to “hex” or use a spell on, under Romance you can give them a love potion etc.) What do you guys think?
Best answer:
Answer by Andrew
I’d buy it.
I also wish they would made like an adults sims where it was all sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. Where the vampires would drink blood not ‘plasma’ -_-
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