Q&A: If women put on more muscle, do they produce more testosterone and less estrogen making them less emotional?
Question by nikonikoneko: If women put on more muscle, do they produce more testosterone and less estrogen making them less emotional?
I’ve always been quite stable emotionally and could not relate to women when they get bitchy or hysterical. I’ve always had high muscle index. Before I was working out, my doctor said I had 40% muscle, I was very heavy but majority of it was muscle. I’ve started weight lifting and I’ve been feeling very stable and very unemotional. Many of my personality traits have been reflecting those of a man. More logical, stable, better at decision making, not receptive to romance, very insensitive towards emotional people and emotional movies, less communicative and more inkling towards problem solving.
Do women produce less estrogen and more testosterone just by increasing their muscle percentage? My BMI index is higher than the maximum yet I have less than 10% body fat on my body due to my muscular body. Many guys call me a hot amazon girl due to my muscular physic 😛 However I do not have a low voice nor body hair. On the contrary I have a high voice and very little body hair. I also have very large chest cup size D. I’m worried that I may shrink in cup sizes if all this muscle does increase testosterone.
Best answer:
Answer by leslie S
Don’t worry about the breast size, it won’t decrease since you are not over producing testosterone. As long as your body fat does not go too low for a female you will have enough estrogen, in balance.
If your body fat goes low you will know because you will first stop menstruating. Then other stuff, like hair, deepening voice etc. will happen. The only other time there will be a natural problem with the same symptoms is if you develop Poly Cystic Ovaries Syndrome. Don’t worry about that the vast majority of PCS cases comes from metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance. Anyone who works out, especially with resistance, should never have a problem with any of that. Women with PCOS tend to have a lot of body fat.
I can’t agree about women having less emotionally stability and more hysteria then men, it is just expressed differently.
I, and most men I know, find toned and normally (not artificially enhanced by drugs) muscled women very very hot, even with small breasts.
Even a slight raise in testosterone ina very fit women raises their sexuality. Both in themselves and as perceived by men around them do to pheromones.
Fat women with PCOS are just plain horny and some men are attracted to them because they are producing to much testosterone for their body.
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