Q&A: In need of a free download for video making… would movie maker be the right one?
Question by Sandy Brooke: In need of a free download for video making… would movie maker be the right one?
I want to make a video: a combination of backround music with special effects as it changes from picture to picture (like a slideshow) and then has some actual video footage as well.
what should i use? would microsoft movie maker be right? if so, do you have a link for a download? thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Dwarph
Movie Maker would work and it is pretty easy to use. You can download it here: http://download.cnet.com/Windows-Movie-Maker-Windows-XP/3000-13631_4-10165075.html
I have used it for making simple movies. It should work for what you are trying to do with it. It only saves files as .wmv so you might need a video converter if you want a different format.
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