Q&A: Is there any free video making programs, i can download so i can upload on youtube?
Question by bunny_queen6o6.lillyannthethird: Is there any free video making programs, i can download so i can upload on youtube?
So is there any free video making progrmas that i can upload the things i made to youtube, and which one is the best. And also, is there anyway to upload windows movie maker videos to youtube, how??!!
Best answer:
Answer by Alex B
Your best bet would be to use Windows Movie maker. Especially if you know how to use it and haven’t used any other video editing software before.
As far as uploading to Youtube goes, just make your movie in Movie maker, then (depending on version), go to File -> “Save Movie As”. Save the movie as a video file for playback on your computer. Let it pop out the file, and then upload the file that it produced (your movie), on to Youtube.
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