Q&A: Looking for a career!?
Question by kayshort789: Looking for a career!?
I just need some advice or someone to talk to. Since I was a little kid I have always wanted to work at our local humane society and for four years I did that. I am 22 and I did not set any goals higher then that. I know how to work with dogs know basics on how to train them. But i recently quit because the manager and i had a disagreement. I love working with animals and I also love making videos.. I am an amateur with that though i use windows movie maker and crop the videos and stuff..here is one i did recently http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8z2BTXLvDo..I also like taking pictures..I just don’t know what to do anymore..i really don’t know what to do.. i went to our local college for a lil bit but i quit because there was no major that i wanted to do..I just do not know what I am capable of and what is too much for me..Any suggestions please no negative comments trying to get my life straight..
Just trying to find myself..thanks for any help and for people trying to bring me down thanks a lot..
It takes 8 years to be a vet..2 to be a vet tech but i dont want to do that..
Best answer:
Answer by Yeah Buddy
Should’ve stayed in college. I don’t know what you can do. Just apply at places with your little experience.
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