Q&A: Making a movie?
Question by sugar_magnolia: Making a movie?
I made a movie using my digital camera. While filming there was talking in the background. i wanted it to be silent except for the music i put in using Windows Movie Maker. How can i mute the video?
If it makes a difference my camera is a Casio Exilim. I think. that’s what is says on the front anyway.
Best answer:
Answer by AldoAnswers
Import your video clips into Windows Movie Maker. Make sure you are in Timeline mode. If you are in Storyboard mode, click “Show Timeline” near the bottom left of the screen, just above the storyboard, to get into Timeline mode. You will now see the audio and video separately. Right-click over each event’s audio and select “Mute”. You will see the audio waveform collapse to zero. Then drag the music you want to the separate Audio/Music track below and you are good to go.
Happy editing.
For a lot more about using Windows Movie Maker, I recommend http://www.papajohn.org/
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