Q&A: Making A Slideshow with Windows Movie Maker?

Question by RaganBaby: Making A Slideshow with Windows Movie Maker?
I am trying to make a slideshow / movie on windows movie maker with well over 300 pictures and it will take hours doing it picture by picture. Is there a quicker way to do it? I have already tried importing the whole file and that did not work. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by Kenny
Place all your images into a designated folder(preferably on the desktop) and when you open WMM go to the Tasks pane on the left, and click on pictures under Import. After you click on pictures browse for your Folder containing all your images, and slect them all, then hit ok. Now all your images should be in your “workspace” or the section of WMM that contains all your project files. From here just drag the images into the Timeline and there you have it.

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