Q&A: Making Websites With Movies For Mobile Phones (cell)?
Question by Cal S: Making Websites With Movies For Mobile Phones (cell)?
For a school project I have to make a political campaign movie that is transfered via mobile phone, WAP or some kind of mms auto-server.
I have stuck with a WAP site and it is at http://wap.nuttysoftware.com
There is a link for a movie in 3GP format but when a phone clicks it it doesn’t download it, it just tries to opwn it as a file. How do I make downloadable/streaming videos for mobile phone websites?
Thanks if you can help
Best answer:
Answer by Bobby
The only website I know of that does mobile video streaming on cell phones is http://m.youtube.com You may want to check out their links and try and copy them. Specifically the protocol part they appear to be using something different from http which may require special server software on your end.
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