Q&A: Need advice on how to build a choral group website. What existing CGI scripts are appropriate?
Question by Michael M: Need advice on how to build a choral group website. What existing CGI scripts are appropriate?
A choral director needs to upload rehearsal/instrumental tracks as mp3s for singers to download. We also need to distribute sheet music and lyrics, as pdf files. I’ve done 1 perl CGI script before, but have plenty of other software experience and not a lot of time. What free or inexpensive components should I consider for building this site with minimal effort? Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Feed the scenesters to the lions
go to payloadz.com
you can upload all the pdf’s and mp3’s there in one sweep and then tie the account there to your website.
also www.flattext.com is a great place for cgi scripts.
you give it the fields you want and what kind they are, and it builds a script that would take hours to make in just minutes.
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