Q&A: please need help!!!?
Question by DanNy: please need help!!!?
please someone ..im so done..i spent like 7543 hrs trying to figuere out why…
so i tried making a slideshow on windows movie maker and all the pictures came out stretched and blurry . then i made them smaller and yet they still looked like crap…why? please be specific give me an example of how it would def come out perfect..
so i decided to download photo story 3 b/c on one forum it said it was better for pictures so i downloaded and it looked easy and im like yey so i preview it and now all the pics have a grey tint to them ..omg!! could this be more stupid..how can making a slideshow be so freakin difficult its crazy. so i went to forums and did everything they said would solve that problem …but nothing.
please some one..i would appreciate it if your specific and explain …explain step by step
thank you!!1
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Answer by Ask Expert Live
May be you can contact a graphic designer. Check websites like http://definitivelab.com/
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