Q&A: Questions about film making?
Question by kenny ist krieg: Questions about film making?
Currently, I have completed two feature length screenplays that I think have good potential, and I am currently working on a third and rewriting an older one.
The thing is, I would like to direct the films myself. How would I go about with this?
I can try and sell the scripts, but I really want to direct them myself. If I pitch my screenplay to a production company, can I ask them if I can direct?
If not, how would I go about raising funds, hiring actors, and such to produce the film myself?
Best answer:
Answer by richardl
you can attempt to pitch the movie and get them to let you direct. the thing is its your script so if they won’t let you direct you can walk. unless you have some experience directing or have some good connection in the industry it probably won’t happen. your best bet would be to do it independently. this would involve you raising funds by asking businesses to invest in your film. then you would hire a crew and actors and everything else you would need. this would be the best way to keep yourscripts integrity and your finished product may be bought by a large distributor such as dreamworks. go to the book store and pick up some books on film production it will be alot of help.
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