Q&A: Special FX make-up technique, I’ve done it once but want to see if there is a better way!!?
Question by Ich Sehe Eine Vision, Mein Vision Bist Du…: Special FX make-up technique, I’ve done it once but want to see if there is a better way!!?
Okay! Now I have your attention lets begin! 🙂
Right, I’ve been making movies for a good 5-6 years now (I’m 16) I know that doesn’t make a bleedin’ difference but there we go…so, I’ve done a wrist slitting scene before…and it turned out really good! The only problem is that I filmed it in a dark setting and it didn’t show up as clearly as I want this scene to be….Does anyone have any tips on these factors:
1. Make – up to look like previous cutting scars…(not halloween stuff)
2. make up to look like an open wound???
3. The best technique to film it,, I just want to try something different!
2nd dilemma:
I know many people will be freaked out by this but its purely for film purposes ONLY!
1. How could I shoot a scene where heroin taking takes place?? I’d like to be able to show the arm but obviously NO INJECTING!
2. WHat sort of things would work as a fake ecstasy tablet…
3. Can you still buy fake pills online (ones you can swallow??)
Links VERY much appreciated!
Thank you very much XXX
Best answer:
Answer by Vaughn
The special effect make up may require latex applications. Which is something you may want to surf around for, try You Tube. Another really simple way is to use rubber cement and fake blood or maybe red paint instead.
Try a retractable needle for the heroine shot.
Fake pills can be improvised with candy. Find candy that looks like what your after, just do know that some candies have a logo printed on it and to turn that side away from the camera when shooting it. If you can find ones with out logos at all then that’s better.
If the lighting is too dark then use more lights, bring it up a bit or perhaps faster film instead for low light situations. You’ll get more grains but grains might look good for dark and moody subjects like yours here. A very rough look.
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