Q&A: Subtitle and Sony Vegas Movie Studio Help?
Question by runlittlemesa_run92: Subtitle and Sony Vegas Movie Studio Help?
I am making a video using Sony Vegas Movie Studio and I want to create my own subtitles for it. Can you tell me how? Any help will be appreicated!! :):)
Best answer:
Answer by Tlanea1
If you want to do it in Vegas, just right click on the video overlay (above where your current video is) and choose ‘insert text media.” Then just click on the tabs to change different aspects of the subtitle.
If you want to create them seperate from Vegas, you will need to use a graphics program that can make an invisable background. I use Adobe Photoshop. Then save what you made and import it into Vegas (file – import media) and put it on the video overlay right over your title page. This is the hard way because it is not always easy to get it in the right place on the page. I hope this helps.
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