Q&A: This is my story What you think?
Question by 16 HOCKEY: This is my story What you think?
So ive decided to wright a story to help other teens not make the choices I made when I was going through a tough time.
Dont correct me on typos or fragments, just tell me what you think of the introduction. (overview)
Thanks for your help.
My name is ————–, I am sixteen years old and I live in Bixby Oklahoma with a total population of 20091 people. Im writing this story because I want parents, and other teens to know whats going on with an average teenage male.
I was born in chatanooga, Tennessee where I moved to Edmond Oklahoma before I was even a year old. I quickly moved from edmond to the Bixby area in oklahoma. Life was great, picture perfect, one of those families like you see in the old movies. With the wife cookin dinner, kids playing, and dad just coming home from work. I lived in a blue, two story house, my room was downstairs next to my parents, and my younger sister lived upstairs. My room was filled with dalmations, as a kid it felt like I owned every stuffed animal dalmation out there. I could hide in the large pile of dogs, and my mom “couldnt” find me. All of the memories in that house were good, I had a rowdy neigbor about my age that would come over and throw rocks in the street with me, and I also had another neighbor that I would peak over my fence and spy on them. When you walked into my blue house, there was an old couch with a quilt (That I could never find out where it came from) hanging above it. The kitchen was connected with the living room and a halway which led to my parents and my room. One of my best memories was waking up at one in the morning and going to look at the rubber lizard that I had put in a bowl of water and the package said it was to grow up to two feet. I loved that house, there were only two bad memories. The first was when I was spinning around in circles and hit my tooth on a chest my parents owned, the second was when my mom got super glue in her eye and my dad was gone so we had to ask Mr. bush (Our neighbor, also a preacher) to take her to the hospital. Those were absolutley the favorite times in my life that I will always miss.
When I was in kidergarden (with the best teacher ever I might add) my parents bought a lot about four miles away and planned to build a new house. We sold “Big Blue” and moved into a rental for a while. Kandace, my little sister, and I would always go to a day care center called childs play while my parents when out to dinner, every Friday night. When our parents picked us up from the center we would always be expecting some kind of reward like we deserved it. One time we got a trampoline, and the other we got a white dog named Daisy. Finnaly our new house was finished, our new neighborhood was called Stanfordelm and we were only the second house in our coldisac. I didnt like this house as much but it was okay, my sister and I got to stick our hands in the concrete, that was cool, but it was different. It wasnt the place that I called “home” but my mom loved it so I went along with it. This house didnt bring memories, or friends, or anything like Big Blue. We slowly stopped talking to people and it seemed that all our family cared about was my dads job. One day I came home from school and everything was like normal, but later that night I remember seeing my dad crying and I didnt know why. Apparently my dad had stolen software from a company that he quit, leaving my family with all kinds of Lawyer stuff. My parents owned the resteraunt guide for a while, then it went under. I always wanted to know what that ment but everytime I asked a “stupid” question, my mom said I would get a “stupid” answer.
When my dad had to sell his buisness or whatever he did with it he got a new job, but it ment he had to live in texas. So for a long year my dad would commute from Texas to Bixby every weekend. My parents seemed to be fighting more, over stupid reasons I didnt understand. On my eleventh birthday night, I came home while my dad was out of town, to find my mom drunk and passed out on the floor. I then dragged her to her bed and told her goodnight. That day changed my life, and from that day forward, it would never be the same.
Best answer:
Answer by mack the knife
actually it’s a little every day
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