Q&A: Twilight MOVIE cast?

Question by Utah But I’m Taller: Twilight MOVIE cast?
Ew, ew, and ew!
What do you think of it?
I’m starting to feel a LITTLE better about the movie, now that I’m seeing more clips, it’s seems okay.
But the cast, goodness!

Bella’s I can deal with, I suppose. Just i hope she is good at the being dazzled.. big part!
Edward, I am disappointed who they chose 🙁 i wish they woulda chosen oliver goodwill!!!
Esme def shoulda been diane lane in my opinion. lol
caslisle is pretty good.
i woulda chosen someone else for rosalie, but w/e, in not a huge fan of her.
i love jasper, im not sure if i like who they chose or not.
alice is some what okay, i just always pictured her looking much cooler.
emmett? eh. it’s fine.
JACOB! is his hair short in the movie?! it better not be! they shoulda gotten steven strait 🙁
james is really good, and victoria makes sense, but wtf is with laurent being black! lol sorry if i missed somethign lol.
charlie has possibilites i guess. if his hair is growing thin.
jessica is good, but angela? i pictured her plain and nerdy.
eric’s shocked me!
mike? ehh. could work.

anyway, what are your opinions on the cast? i’ve just been non stop thinking about these books this wk cuz of breaking dawn release!!!!
yes i know jacob is young and such.
his beautiful hair needs to be long 🙁

i love jacob over edward, tho not for bella.

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Answer by marti
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