Q&A: what are all the different scripts and codes for the web and programing and what are they for?
Question by fallen: what are all the different scripts and codes for the web and programing and what are they for?
so what codes and scripts do what, what is better and why, what is used for what, also what are the codes they use for programing games and all that. basically every code/script/anything that exists, what are they used for.
thanks A LOT for the help and information.
Best answer:
Answer by Naveed
well there are a lot
as far as web:
html(standard web pages)
xhtml(a little more functionality)
javascript(client side webscript)
PHP(server side webscript)
PERL(another webscript)
apps and games
Java(very portable but slow Object oriented)
C#(Object Oriented web based not sure on details though)
C/C++(most games and apps for PCs are made with these Object oriented and structural)
Pascal(highly structured for beginners)
those are the main ones probably forgot some though
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