Q&A: What are naadi scripts and what are there uses?
Question by Saket108: What are naadi scripts and what are there uses?
I want to know if anyone reads or finds these scripts in Hyderabad.
Best answer:
Answer by akool
It is an ancient Indian method of recording data. It is believed that by reading through the writings on these leaves one can learn about one’s past, identify the present and predict the future. It is said that thousands of years ago, the maharishis (sages) of India had the power to look into the past and future of the entire universe. It is believed that they done this and recorded the life of each human being who has lived, is living and of some one who is yet to be born. These predictions were written on palm leaves in an ancient Tamil script, which can now only be deciphered by expert Nadi astrologers.
Nadi in Tamil means in search of. It is believed that an individual goes in search of his details of his past and seeks to know more of the unknown future. Hence it is a search. These palm leaf inscriptions are scattered throughout India. Some of these inscriptions can be found in Tamil Nadu. These ancient scripts were standardized, ordered and classified in Tamil Nadu nearly 1000 years ago during the reign of the Cholas in South India. There are a number of Nadis who are named after the rishis. They are the Agasthiya Nadi, Suka Nadi, Brahma Nadi, Kaushika Nadi and others. There are only a few nadi readers available who can interpret the inscriptions that are written in in poetic Tamil.
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