Q&A: What can I do to help my friend?

Question by Louis: What can I do to help my friend?
My friend just attempted suicide for the sixth time yesterday. He’s okay, thank god, but it’s hard for me. We grew up together, and even now that we live on opposite sides of the country (I’m in Florida and he’s in Nevada), we’re like brothers. He does drugs pretty hardcore (he’s 16 years old and has had crack and does E on a regular basis), which he buys from his dealer friends, and has been in and out of rehab for the past year.

He’s kind of in a broken home. His dad works as a software programmer, and comes home every night to play WoW, and then goes to bed. He’s incredibly emotionally abusive to my friend (he likes to randomly walk up to him and start telling him that he’s an awful person, and has destroyed the Paulson home) and doesn’t let up. His mom doesn’t really do much of anything to step in. They don’t have much money at all, so they can’t afford meaningful therapy.

He’s been cutting since he was in eighth grade, and doesn’t plan on stopping. He doesn’t take his shirt off in public because it’s been so badly carved up. He lost total control one time in his house and ended up throwing plates and stuff, and described it as “watching a movie where he couldn’t control his own body.”

I don’t really know what to tell him, but I’ve been distancing myself from him, unintentionally, over the past few months. I have a major medical situation which has kept me out of school, and which is making life really difficult, so it can be hard (even though I’m a really empathetic person) to hear about his on top of mine. I feel really, really bad about all that’s happened, and I hope he’ll be okay long term. I just don’t know what to say to him anymore.
Sorry, it’s because his chest is so badly carved up, not his shirt.

Best answer:

Answer by Jessica
You can try contacting a preacher or a pastor so they can pray for him. If you have any friends that go to church, then try to talk to their pastor. Alot of people have had many demons taken out of them by pastors (I think that the reason that your friend couldn’t control himself & attempts suicide was b cuz of a demon controlling him). Or let the pastor just pray for guidance in getting rid of drug addictions. Maybe take him to church every once in a while. God can help you as he did for so many other people & you & your friend can become Christians. Christians have a very peaceful way of life & they stay away from drugs & bad stuff. It’ll be a long journey by yourself to help your friend, but with God helping, you won’t have to carry your burden yourself. God bless you & your friend & I’ll pray for you guys 🙂

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