Q&A: What goes through people’s minds to do such things?
Question by Henry: What goes through people’s minds to do such things?
I don’t quite understand the mentality of some people. This person wanted to show “Terminator Vision” … but in this he clearly uses a distressed and hurt animal still alive on a trap. One of the options is to “throw out with trash” – and that would clearly imply throwing a still alive mammal into a bin where it will no doubt take a long time to die, agonisingly.
What really offended me was that this person used the suffering of said animal as a form of entertainment, to showcase special effects. As if it was something trivial, a common process in making a movie like this. Clearly this person has very little in ethical standard, which begs the question:
What goes through people’s minds to do such things?
The point is for people to view it so that it can be flagged and the video removed, not to endorse it with hits. And negative hits are worse than no hits.
Best answer:
Answer by velcropap
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