Q&A: What is a good movie making program for windows, OTHER then windows movie maker!?
Question by Katie B: What is a good movie making program for windows, OTHER then windows movie maker!?
My WMM doesn’t work, and I’m tired of trying to figure it out! It says the codec isn’t installed. I believe the file is .AMV They’re Sim movies. They used to work on my old computer. I just bought a laptop, and they don’t work! Please either tell me a good movie making system, or tell me how to fix it! PLEASE!
Best answer:
Answer by z3r0
Windows movie maker is well known to have problems. A better movie editing program is Adobe Premier. It is not that hard to use and after you use once or twice, you should get the hang of it. It is easier to use than Windows movie maker and a lot simpler as well.
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