Q&A: What kind of disc do I need and what file type do I need a movie to be?

Question by barelygotout: What kind of disc do I need and what file type do I need a movie to be?
I have a JVC Everio G and a computer with Windows XP.
Only once I could get a movie online and I had to use Photobucket. I cannot get a movie onto Youtube or Myspace. I made the movie shorter and I still cannot fit it onto Youtube or Myspace. Not only that, Photobucket will not load the movie, the webpage had errors. I don’t know what format the movie needs to be and how short it has to be.
That was part one of the question. Part two is, how do I get the movie onto a disc? I am aware that there is something you can plug the Everio into and make the movie from the camera.I put the movie together on my computer, so that piece of equipment will not work. I went to Best Buy, which is dumb,and they suggested buying DVD-R discs.I think it is a bad choice.My computer recognizes the disc is in the drive.When I try to write the movie onto the disc each program tells me that a writable disc is not in the drive.
What kind of disc do I need and what kind of format am I supposed to use?

Best answer:

Answer by wiseone49162536
YouTube accepts video files from most digital cameras, camcorders, and cell phones in the .WMV, .AVI, .MOV, and .MPG file formats.
All videos uploaded to YouTube have a 100MB file size limit. The longer the video is, the more compression will be required to fit it into that size. For that reason, most videos on YouTube are under five minutes long and there is a 10-minute length limit for all videos.

If you have a Free account, and would like the ability to upload videos up to 10 minutes in length, click on the “options” link and you will be able to upgrade to a Pro account from here.
Note: You can also choose to “Scramble” your filenames from here as well.Double click on the video you would like to upload, or select the “Open” button with the video highlighted.
Note: Supported video file types are 3g2, 3gp, 3gp2, 3gpp, 3p, asf, avi, divx, dv, dvx, flv, moov, mov, mp4, mpeg4, mpg4, mpe, mpeg, mpg, qt, wmv, xvid, swf

DVD-R will work in all DVD burner drives, nowhere in your question do you say what brand/model of burner you have. A regular DVD will recognize the disk but will not be able to burn it. CD burners also do not burn DVD’s. Also you need to list the programs that said there was no DVD in the drive. It’s hard to guess whether its a software or hardware issue from the lack of model/version numbers.

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