Q&A: what’s easier, designing a 3d videogame or a movie? and what software should I use?
Question by jerry: what’s easier, designing a 3d videogame or a movie? and what software should I use?
ok, im trying to put all my thoughts strait,
well i want to make a story more,….¨alive¨
it’s for a school project and i need to make one of these things in 3d,
please , i apretiate your help,
and what is the best, and what’s the easiest 3d software
sorry 4 all the misspelling
Best answer:
Answer by zspace101
3d games are nuts, so I would go with the movie. If you don’t care about the quality, windows movie maker and a home camcorder will do just fine. If not there as some good video editing software out there but they can run $ 1000-5000 a copy
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