Q&A: Where is the best place to post a request or suggestion to gaming programmers and writers?
Question by unico_nocturno: Where is the best place to post a request or suggestion to gaming programmers and writers?
I would like to suggest to those who have scripting/programming and/or story/code writing capabilities to start their own gaming company. The guys who are out their hacking games and creating some of those great mods and plug-ins that we see, for currently available games. I would like to see them as a company buy out the licenses to some of the games that are no longer selling as well, and make them what they should have been. And of course sell them to us gamers as the remade and better version of the game/games. An example is Vampire. It is still new enough that the guys might not be able to buy the license for it. However it is a good example of a game that had a lot of potential that the, Activision/Sierra/Troika/Whatever other company was involved in produciing it, did not even come close to achieving the games potential. Another older one that could be remade is Arcanum.
Best answer:
Answer by KaBalweg
You can go to this website:
1) http://www.RentACoder.com
2) http://pscode.com/
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