Q&A: Who are you making in the Sims 3? Movie Stars? You? ?
Question by Kadie: Who are you making in the Sims 3? Movie Stars? You? ?
I’m trying to stay away from making myself or anyone I know for that matter. It doesn’t make the game fun to me, and I usually stop playing. So I decided for some reason (I don’t know why) that I was going to make the cast of the OG 90210 (maybe so I can kill Donna) and eventually when they grow up I guess turn it into the new 90210 but we’ll see how that works. I know I’m going to make some original characters and I told my boyfriend I want him to make a character too. Who will you guys make? Someone from your favorite movie or tv show? Your friends and family? Since the game is delayed so long (and since I like to be prepared) I think I’m going to start sketching out who is living with who and what traits they’ll have stuff like that. Anyone else thinking this much about who they’re making when the Sims 3 comes out?
Best answer:
Answer by MiniMe_101
lol I’m gonna make a Uglacy…. its basicly like you trying to make a Legacy of 10 generations and you have to start out with a pretty sim and “breed” them as ugly as possible by the 10th generation, and I’m going to name all of the Uglacy sims after people in my life that I hate 🙂 it should help blow off some steam.
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