Q&A: Why are some dreams so weird?

Question by …: Why are some dreams so weird?
but they can also be so interesting, i had this amazing dream the other night, that was so vivid, i remember a lot of it, and it was so cool, it would make an awesome movie but i don’t have that kind of power… but i mean, if it’s you subconscious making up things, how the hell do our minds create these things? these situations, these people, why do some make sense, why are some just so weird they never make sense, why can you remember some but not others??

and also, when i was younger, (like 2-3 maybe 4) i had a “reoccuring dream” but each night, it would start off the same, i’d wake up in my room, go into the hallway, and where my parents door is, the laundry sliding door was, and i opened it, and there were like weird kind of fraggle rock things there, and there was trouble where they lived, and i was this awesome fighter who would protect them… then i’d wake up, then the next night, i would have the same dream, but it picked up where it left off, and it did that untill we’d won. (about a week)

and i mean i can still remember the basics of it… 12, 13 years later??

dreams are confusing me!? does anyone have any in sight lol, please it would help, and be an interesting read…

Best answer:

Answer by Jack Lucas

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