Q&A: Why did Obama choose not to show the OBL pics?
Question by : Why did Obama choose not to show the OBL pics?
I fully understood his response to
why it was that he decided to go the direction
he chose to go,in not releasing photographic
evidence of Bin Laden’s death. However,there
are problems that will arise with this move he
and his cabinet members have decided to make.
I voted for Mr. Obama,and for all the right reasons,
I thought; but this seems like a pretty bad move on
his part. Now,keep in mind,I am not implying that
the President of the U.S. is lying.If Obama says he is
dead,well I guess that should be good enough for me-
But,I was not at ground zero.I was not at the Pentagon.
I was not in the plane that went down in Shanksville,PA.
I lost no friends or family members in the events that took
place on Tuesday,September 11,2001.
Fortunately,this has nothing to do with me.
But it has everything to do with the 60 police officers,the
2,674 employees,the 343 EMT and firefighters,and hundreds of
others who were lost in this tragedy.Thousands of families had
been left to reel after this atrocity unfolded. And this was a senseless
attack,no doubt.I’m sure,whoever was responsible,had their reasons
for why they believed it needed to be done. But at such a high price?
You would have to ask yourself;would the reward outweight the suffering?
Unless suffering was your goal in the first place. I have my own theories
as to why 9/11 happened. But will not go into it.I will say this though,
it’s a truly feasible scenario.
The decision to not release footage or pics of the corpse of
America’s #1 foe,was/is a mistake. The credibility of the U.S Government
has been waning for the past 64 years. Ever since the incident,in Roswell,
NM,the American psyche has been shown a reason to question authority.
In 2000,a Presidential election was “proven” to be rigged,resulting in the
unfair advantage former Pres.{Bush} had insuring his victory over Al Gore.
Machines that were supposed to give people the feeling of reassurance in
that election proved to be erroneous. We live in an era where movies are
so violent,brutal,and gruesome-it baffles me that,if people can handle watching
stuff like that on either cable TV or the big screen,what makes these politicians
think we can’t handle a few bloody images of a dead terrorist leader?
Besides,are we not,as American citizens, entitled to the FOIA
(Freedom of Info Act)? The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a federal law
that allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information
and documents controlled by the United States Government. The Act defines agency
records subject to disclosure, outlines “mandatory disclosure” procedures and grants
9 exemptions to the statute. It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on
July 4, 1966 (Public Law 89-554, 80 Stat. 383; Amended 1996, 2002, 2007)… I’d say
information like this,would qualify as a “mandatory disclosure”! What say you?
Best answer:
Answer by Tallen
I understand why they aren’t showing the images of him dead because there’s a chance that that could be used as a propaganda tool to further incite hate however I do think they should show an image of OBL just before he got shot.
What do you think? Answer below!